Margot Blair. The Margot Blair. The Mrs. Margot "I-don't-know-your-middle-name" Blair. Quite the mystical creature, if I do say so myself. But she, as fabulous as you may have pictured her to be, does not actually exist. That being said, Margot Blair has been around for many years. You see, this was the name given to all of my dolls when I was a small child, the name of the movie star I would practice being in the mirror, and even the assumed name I would claim when speaking to people I didn't want to know. I believe this to have actually started after my reading The Diary of Anne Frank, Margot being the name of Anne's sister. (While the story may have broken my heart, the name made my day.) As for Blair...well that really is my last name, so no real explanation needed there.
Thus, Margot Blair came to life, and since then she has been my constant companion. So it seemed only natural that she have a part in this adventure I now find myself embarking on, this floral business. And just how did this adventure begin, you ask? Well, that too has a story.
It all started when I (real name: "Carly") developed a very special fondness for all things wedding. Perhaps it was because of all the wedding magazines I poured over for hours at a time, or maybe it was Jennifer Lopez's fantastically JLo-esque portrayal of Mary Fiore in The Wedding Planner. Or maybe it was simply because I'm a girl. I'm not sure, but whatever the case may be, it happened. And once it did, it was somewhat of an obsession. An obsession that would eventually bring me to this great city of Austin where I was offered an internship as, you guessed it, a wedding planner.
So there I was, sharing a ridiculously small efficiency with my sister and her two cats, and eating a lot of boiled chicken. (That's another story that will one day have to be told, but until then, let's just except the fact that it was funny.) The internship was wonderful, I couldn't have been more in my element. But like most internships, it didn't pay. So, what was a girl to do? I had chicken to buy! Well, I did what any other girl would have done...I begged my family members to give me a job. It just so happened that one particular family member was the proud owner of a very new flower shop (surprise, surprise) and was looking for help. I didn't know a thing about flowers, but at this point, we were both pretty desperate.
It was there that I learned much about the world of flowers. Things such as..."Million Star" is just a fancy name that florists use to disguise the fact that they just sold you Baby's Breath, as well as the ever important lesson that the thorns on a rose will ALWAYS win. It was also at this point that I became convinced that flowers are quite possibly the most wonderful creation known to man. More than all else, I soon came to realize that it would be an experience that I would always cherish, both for the memories with my family and for the doors that it would eventually open. If it weren't for that opportunity I would have never discovered this trade that I now hold so very dear to my heart...and (gasp!), I dare say, there would be no Margot Blair Floral. A very sad thing, indeed.
There's more to come, kids! I'll be posting pics and the like in the very near future. Until then, check us out on Facebook as, that's right, Margot Blair Floral...