Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Color Story: Fall Preview

So we're working on our fall flower collection over in these here parts, listening to a lot of James Taylor while we do it. And to be perfectly honest, I'm so seriously happy (and inspired) by how it's coming together, I just have to share a little taster.

It's no secret that I have a long standing love affair with the color orange. And I stand by my claim that it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I'm a Texas Longhorns fan (Hook 'em!).  I mean, how can you not love orange? There's just something about it... It's fun and bright, not too girly and not too masculine, and well, it just makes me happy. So it's no surprise that every time I start working up a color palette, orange usually finds its way into the mix. But for a fall collection, you start flirting dangerously close to Halloween shenanigans when orange is involved. Add black and all you see is pumpkins and witches. And while that's not exactly the look that I'm going for, those colors are definitely what comes to mind when I start dreaming of weather that doesn't make you feel like you're dying and the earth seems to suddenly slow down and prepare itself on its journey to a new beginning.

Below you see where this all has landed me, with a color palette that is as luscious and dark as it is light-hearted and cheery. I hope you find it as inspiring as I do, and I can't wait to reveal the full fall collection to you in the coming months. Stay tuned, my dears.

Credits, from top left:

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